Saturday, March 15, 2014

destination dallas #3

Our first weekend in Dallas was very fun because David and the boys came up from San Antonio to visit.  They stayed at the La Quinta in Mansfield on Friday night so that they could all see David's parents Friday night and Saturday morning before driving into Dallas to see us.  Grandma and Papa are both 89 and live in a beautiful assisted living home in a two bedroom, two bath apartment.  Josh had seen them in December when he came up with David for a weekend visit.  Chris and Ryan, however, had not seen them in over a year.  They are unable to travel now, and traveling is hard on Ashley, too. So, the best option has been for David to come up for visits with one of the kids.

On Saturday at noon, Ashley and I met David and the boys near SMU campus, and Chris and Josh hopped in the car with Ashley and me, while David took Ryan up to north Dallas for the first of his two baseball games.  We headed right back to the Ronald McDonald House because Chris and Josh wanted to eat the usual delicious lunch here and then have a tour.  Ashley and I were so happy to see them after just being apart for 3 days!  They all add so much laughter to our lives, especially Josh!

After allowing Ashley some time to nap, the four of us headed to Allen to watch Ryan's second baseball game.  The weather was absolutely miserable, so we parked behind left field and sat in the car, turning on the heat and seat warmers frequently!  With the windchill, it felt like 32 degrees, and it was rainy, too.  Ryan said he used 16 hand warmers during the game, and at some point, David joined us in the car, too!  Definitely not spring baseball weather....

The boys stayed at the baseball team's hotel choice in Allen that night, so Ashley was happy to watch the Duke and North Carolina basketball game there while we feasted on Cane's chicken for dinner.  Ashley and I drove back to the RMHD for the night with plans to see the boys the next day.  Ryan would have a game at 10:00 am, and the team was expected to do well since they were the number one seed after run ruling both teams the day before.

As baseball fans are well aware, though, anything can happen in baseball, and his team lost the first game on Sunday by a score of 3 to 1.  So, David and the boys checked out of the hotel and made it to RMHD just in time for noon dessert - yum yum cake!  We enjoyed a nice family day outside on the basketball court and then went to browse some shops in Highland Park to soak up the sunshine.  David and the twins spent most of their time in the Apple store getting David's phone repaired, but the other three of us enjoyed the shops, people watching, and especially dog watching!

As we said our goodbyes that afternoon, I realized it would be almost 2 weeks before I saw the twins again and over two weeks before I saw David and the Chris again.  Ashley and I are due to return home on Friday, March 21, but by the time we arrive home, David and Chris will have already departed for Confirmation Retreat for the weekend.  Ashley, of course, hugged her dad extra tight, and I got a good chuckle from Chris' parting words.  He said, "Hurry home, mom.  I am not sure how we will survive school without you."  To which Ryan replied, "Dad just does not know the routine!" To which I replied, "Well, you will just have to teach him then."

So, now it has been a week since we have seen them.  The girls miss the boys, and the boys miss the girls.  Ashley and I miss them even more when we call to talk to them.  One day we called, and Josh answered the phone, while he was inside on a break from working in the yard.  I noticed he sounded congested, and he described his allergy symptoms.  Ashley and I then spent 20 minutes on the phone with him helping him find some sudafed in the house.  You see, he did not want to ask his dad or brothers where it was because then they would want him to come back outside for more yard work! :)

At times like this, you realize the importance of family and how much they add to your life, especially during the stormy times, such as a medical crisis.  I miss their humor, their hugs, their laughter, and just their presence.  I guess it really is true that absence does make the heart grow

1 comment:

  1. So glad to read this post. We are keeping you all in our prayers as you say this time apart is not easy. Prayers for Ash and Angela that you both walk away from this time feeling support and confidence knowing that there is a some point. Knowing that the love and support continues for you all. Prayers for the boys that they appreciate all that the girls do and that they survive the last week and everyone gets the routine. Love to you all Ropers!
    Brett, Kelly and Everett
